Is Not Eating Breakfast Turning You Into a Sumo Wrestler?

You finally dragIs breakfast important yourself out of bed after hitting snooze for the fourth time and then try to wake up in the shower. Like most mornings you have only given yourself just enough time to get you and the kids ready for the day so you skip breakfast. Is this a regular occurrence for you? Did you know that this could be the key to the extra weight that you just can seem to get off?

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How to Bring Wine As a Gift to a Party.

Many people like to plaWine dinner party toasty the “what if” scenario, so it’s a good thing to do. What happens if you don’t chill the wine before presenting it to someone? Well, it depends on why you are bringing the wine over. If it is as a hostess gift, it doesn’t matter whether you chill it or not because you are giving it as a gift. The people are likely going to set the wine aside to be enjoyed by them at a later date. If you were to provide it chilled, it is as though you are asking for a portion of your gift and that is rude. Continue reading

The Difference Between a Registered Dietitian and a Nutritionist

If you needed to takeGood Food your car to be fixed would you rather take it to a factory trained mechanic or a guy you know that has read a lot about cars? That is how stark the difference is between a Registered Dietitian and a Nutritionist. The problem is that many people don’t know that there is a difference. In a recent podcast I spoke to Michele Manarino RD MS about this. I was really surprised to find this out and I wonder how many people get substandard advice form Nutritionists. Here is what you need to know about the differences between Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists. [audio] Continue reading

The Five Foods You Should be Eating

American diets and wgrizzly-221558_640eight loss fads tend to center around subtracting food options form our personal menus. Taking away whole food groups might help you lose weight in the short term but often lack all of the health benefits that you receive by eating a well balanced diet. So why not start down the path to a healthy life style by adding good antioxidant rich cancer fighting foods instead of subtracting whole food groups form your menu.

I recently had a discussion with Registered Dietitian Michele Manarino (R.D., M.S.) about what five foods Americans should add to there diets that they might not be eating now.

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An Idiot’s Guide to Food and Diets

What is the best diet on the market right now? That is not a simple question to answer! With multi-million dollar companies marketing tovegetables-218139_640 you and crazy fads that pop up and are gone just as quick how do you know what to put in your mouth? In this episode The Prepared Idiot Podcast Rich Barna talks to Registered Dietitian Michele Manarino about all things food. Including what you should be eating to stay healthy.


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